Habit bring bottled drinking water while in travel or go to any may not become a trend in society. When thirsty in the middle of the road, most of us prefer to buy a bottle of soft drink tea or soda or mineral water.
Needs of the body fluids will not be debated. Important in maintaining fluid balance and the body's metabolism. Feed when the fluid in the body is not balanced with the expenditure, then you will be experiencing interference or dehydration
Meet the needs in the liquid, should choose a good drink and do not pose a risk to health. One of the best white water course is, despite this fact liquids rather less popular drink in the market.
Now that your property does not underestimate the white water, here are six facts about how scientific habits of white water to drink enough each day it is important for the body.
1. Maintain body fluid balance.
Medical facts show the human body consists of 60% liquid. Functions of the liquid is for process digestion, absorption, circulation, sputum production, transportation and nutrition to maintain body temperature.
2. Help to control calories.
Since long, people who are in a diet program to do a lot of drinking habits of white water as a strategy lose weight. Although water does not produce magical effects, use it as a beverage high calorie of course will be very helpful.
"Diet program will be successful if you choose to drink water or non-calorie drinks as a substitute for the calories. Then the diet with foods rich in a more healthful liquids, contain and help you cut calories," said researchers from the State University of Pennsylvania Barbara Rolls, PhD , author book The Volumetric Weight Control Plan. .
3 Help raise muscle.
Cells that are not able to maintain the balance of fluid and electrolyte will be, will result in muscle fatigue. When muscle cells do not have enough fluid, they will not function properly and abilities reduced.
Drinking water during exercise is also very important. American College of Sports Medicine recommends that two hours before exercise someone should drink 17 fluid oz.
4. Create skin still luminous.
Your skin actually contain a lot of water and function as a fortress to prevent excess loss of body fluids. However, do not hope that the excess fluid can be used as a powerful way of wrinkling of the skin line.
5. Maintaining kidney function
Body fluids is also a media transports residue or waste to exit and entry into cells. Poison in the main body is the blood urea nitrogen, a kind of liquid that can pass for the kidney and proceed and excreting in the form of urine.
When the body has enough fluids, urine will be free flowing, clear and odor free. When the body does not have enough fluid, the concentration of urine, color and odor will be more obvious because the kidneys have to absorb the extra liquid to function. No wonder when you drink a little water, the risk of kidney stones you have will be increased, especially in warm or hot climate.
6. Maintain normal bowel function.
Feed liquid that will be enough to create a channel through which food can be digested flowing smoothly and prevent the occurrence of constipation. When you do not have enough fluids, bowel will absorb fluids from feces feces or to keep the hidration. Consequently, of course, dispose of your water will be problematic.
from kompas.com
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25 February, 2009
Six should be enough reason for Drinking Aqua
An Effective Fat Burning And Muscle Building Workout
The Most Effective Fat Burning And Muscle Building Workout That Takes Just 13 Minutes…
.....you can burn fat, increase flexibility, build unbelievable strength and endurance, reshape your body, and build a level of fitness that is truly functional..........
Most people who want to burn off some excess pounds and tighten and tone their bodies simply don’t have 2 hours each day to spend in the gym performing the bodybuilding style workouts that most “fitness experts” recommend.
Plus, these workouts consist of exercises and techniques that do not exercise the body in the way it is normally used so they end up building a somewhat unusable strength. In my opinion, most people, unless their main objective is body building, shouldn’t perform the traditional style workouts
While I do still believe that machine and free weight strength training is the best choice for body building, it is NOT the best choice when it comes to general fitness goals like strength, flexibility, endurance, etc.
I don’t know about you, but I can barely fit in 15 minutes for exercise let alone 2 hours… and I personally am not interested in muscle size alone (which doesn’t mean strength and usually leaves you stiff and inflexible)! I’m sure your schedule is probably the same. The good news though is you don’t have to… you can burn fat, increase flexibility, build unbelievable strength and endurance, reshape your body, and build a level of fitness that is truly functional.
I want to share with you a workout that I do personally that delivers a great combination of strength, flexibility, cardio and muscular endurance, and fat burning.
WARNING: The following workout will not only surprise you, but it will likely go against everything you ever thought to be true about fitness. Also, it is recommend you consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.
Are you ready? Good, here it is:
The following exercises should be performed with little or no rest between and you may need to adjust the number of repetitions or time depending upon your current fitness level.
* Jumping Jacks –1 minute
* Bodyweight squat (one-leg squat for advanced) – 15-20 reps
* Push-ups (slower reps for advanced) – as many reps as possible
* Kick butts (jog in place and kick your rear with both heels) – 1 minute
* Hamstring floor bridge (use swiss ball or one leg for advanced) - 15-20 reps
* Superman (lying on stomach w/ arms out to side, lift legs and chest off floor) – 15-20 reps
* High knees (jog in place lifting knees as high as possible) – 1 minute
* Stationary lunge – 15-20 reps
* Torso rotations/twists – 20 reps each direction
* Side bends/reaches – 20 reps each direction
* Mountain climbers – 1 minute (if you can J)
* Wall sit – as long as you can hold it
* Dips (use chair/bench/stairs) – as many reps as possible
There you have it… sounds easy, right? That couldn’t possibly do anything, right? I personally challenge you… try it… no, try it right now! Drop what you are doing and give it a shot and see for yourself. If you find it a bit easy, which I doubt, perform it 2-3 times thru without rest.
This workout will deliver more usable fitness results and benefits than any traditional gym or health club workout. Now, you can of course implement this type of workout in the gym and make it even better, but the beauty of this is you can do it anywhere!
Also, this is just one example and as you can imagine, there thousands of other exercises you can add or replace… I actually recommend switching the exercises every 2-4 weeks or even better is to put together 3 or 4 different workouts and then rotate them.
If you are not familiar with one of the exercises just replace it with one you know that works the same part of the body. You can also learn all of these exercises along with dozens of others in my soon to be released video which will consists of several workouts like this that you can do anywhere to build and maintain awesome levels of fitness, even workouts with dumbbells, swiss balls, medicine balls, and more… watch for it in coming months.
by: Jesse Cannone
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24 February, 2009
Fasting for Health Benefits
To maintain health, the body should be given the opportunity to rest
Fasting, which is required to not eat, drink, and oxygen-consuming substances in other non-oral is very useful to maintain physical health.
Fasting may prevent the disease arising from excessive eating patterns. Food excessive nutrient not necessarily good for some one's health. Over nutrition lead to obesity which can cause diseases such as degenerative high triglycerides and high cholesterol, coronary heart, diabetes mellitus and others.
The influence of fasting on the mechanisms include health aspects of physical health, among which are:
* Provide the opportunity to rest the tool digestion,
* On the days when not being fast, tool digestion in the body is working hard, because it rightly means of digestion are given rest.
* Clearing the body of poisons and dirt (detoxification). With fasting, the entry limit calories in our bodies so that the enzyme antioxidants that can clean substances-substances that are toxic and carcinogenic and remove it from the body.
* Increasing the number of white blood cell. White blood cell function to prevent the attack of the disease so that with the addition of white blood cell can automatically increase the body's immune system.
* Balance between acid and alkali in the body,
* Improving the hormone functions, rejuvenate the body cells,
* Improve the function of organs
Therefore, the medical recommend to fast periodically for at least 1 month in one year continuously (other than the religion of the majority have also suggested to worship).
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22 February, 2009
Just Walk to Reduce Body Weight
Many ways that someone used to streamline the body, from the first
program routine a healthy diet that's someone more interesting and also maintain the health, lots of healthy diet that is not the only drink drug streamline , do not other factors, the factors that determine which one of the sport. Because with the right exercise routine, and can reduce the fat in the body can take place effectively.
Many people think about the type of sport that they quickly burn fat rate sports with high intensity and spent a lot of heat, such as sprint, with the fast cycling or football. In fact an effective fat burning can occur is through sports low intensity
According to Dr. Samuel, the most effective sports scrape fat body, must low-intensity to moderate. ¨ You can walk on the relaxed 30 minutes, or swim with breast slowly over half an hour, ¨ explicitly. To be effective, lightweight sports should be made a minimum of 30 minutes.
When you move the body from glucose energy (carbohydrate) in the blood sugar back up and the muscle and liver cells (glycogen). This new reserve will be exhausted when you move for 30 minutes, ¨ he said.
If you do sports in high intensity long time. ¨ What exactly happened is not burning fat, but protein from muscle, ¨ clear Dr. Samuel. During heavy exercise such as running, the body's energy reserves will spend a constant and rapid. The source energy reserve can only be obtained from the muscle protein and not fat.
You do with sports low intensity to the routine, your body weight will be quickly reduced.
from jawararadio.com
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21 February, 2009
Just sleep in the evening Day, Confidential So slim
Women who has trouble to close her eyes at night, so the risks have increased even up to Obesity fat
, so according to a study conducted in Cleveland.
In a study conducted on the long part-old woman, who only sleep for 5 hours or less each night, 35% stated more easily increased body weight (about 15 kg) and 15% change over time so Obesity 16 years, compared with women who slept 7 hours each night. increase in body weight of this - 15 kg - stated more prone to or affected by diabetes heart disease, so the Dr said, Sanjay Patel of Case Western Reserve University.
Are women who sleep 6 hours every night, 12% have the possibility to increase body weight, and 6% to the obesity. Women who claim to have only hours to sleep 5 hours or less each night, on average, body weight began to increase more than 2 kg at the beginning of the study, compared with the sleep enough, up to 7 hours each night.
After calculating the influence of age and increased body weight at the beginning of the study, women who sleep 5 hours or less each night, increasing body weight up to 1 / 2 kg or more. The woman who can slept away for 6 hours each night, increasing body weight up to approximately 1 kg, compared with the sleeping enough
According to Medical News Today, Dr. Patel said he believes that people who sleep more soundly from the time they are awake - this helps them consume more calories. Similarly hormones tend touched as a result of how much time we used to sleep - and not only that, this also depends on how many calories we burn each day.
To create a fixed / so loud, people should focus on three factors: Bedroom sufficient, the adequacy of nutrition, physical activity. You can asked on sports trainers, about the best fitness secrets, and they will combine a good exercise, eating patterns with the best food and sleep regularly.
"At this point we do not understand why lack of sleep allows the body weight increase, but it can happen because they are tired, women are usually less exercise," said Dr, Patel. "Or, lack of sleep can be caused by changes in average basaltic metabolism."
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